Why becoming a member of TOURISMER Association?

As a member, you directly support our commitment to promoting the Indian Ocean region. You will benefit from exclusive access to our activities, events and initiatives, while contributing to their visibility.


Who can join TOURISMER? Association?

1) Any natural person souhaitant soutenir notre association et son développement en son nom propre, ainsi que partageant les valeurs que nous défendons en faveur de l’Océan Indien, peut adhérer à TOURISMER Association. La cotisation annuelle est fixée à 25 € pour les retraités et les personnes en situation de handicap, et à 50 € pour les autres membres.

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2) Any natural person may become a member of TOURISMER Association.

The annual fee for legal persons is set at €200.

What are the advantages?

As a member of TOURISMER Association, you will increase your visibility and notoriety. Joining TOURISMER Association allows a legal entity to integrate into a collaborative ecosystem, while benefiting from commercial, cultural and social advantages. It is also a great opportunity to promote values ​​of openness, sustainability and respect for local cultures.

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We encourage responsible travel in the Indian Ocean

Responsible travel in the Indian Ocean allows you to discover this region, as well as its people and culture, in an authentic way. You will have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the way of life of the inhabitants and deepen your knowledge of the neighboring countries.