The film "Marmaille", directed by filmmaker Grégory Lucilly, has just been released in theaters, marking an important step both for Reunion cinema and for the entire French cinema landscape. This is in fact the first time that a Reunion film has been screened in metropolitan theaters, representing a significant turning point in the history of Reunion cinema.
This feature film tells the story of a teenager who is passionate about breakdancing and is abandoned by his mother. It is also the first film shot in Reunion Creole by a native of the island to be presented in mainland France.
100% Reunion Island production, “Marmaille” highlights local actors and uses the magnificent landscapes of Reunion Island as a backdrop. The film, shot in emblematic locations, allows the public to discover the cultural and natural wealth of the island.
"Marmaille" goes beyond the framework of a simple film; it is a true ode to Reunion culture, while offering a reflection on the current challenges that young people face. Released on December 4, this feature film promises to be a source of inspiration, capable of enriching the cinematographic landscape of the island and deeply touching the hearts of many spectators.