Explore our publications that highlight carefully selected themes and delve deeper into the cultural interactions of the surrounding nations of the Indian Ocean.

We are already addressing:

  • Protection of natural environments and biodiversity
  • Shared culture as a vector of exchange
  • Responsible tourism that promotes development

TOURISMER redefines boundaries


Le rôle des chemins de fer dans l'Océan Indien





Railways play a vital role in uniting communities, promoting economic growth and developing tourism among the different countries bordering the Indian Ocean. 

Indian ocean Painting (1)

A cross-disciplinary look at painting in the Indian Ocean

Painting in the Indian Ocean is a form of artistic expression that evokes an exceptional cultural diversity, the fruit of centuries of interactions between different civilizations.  

Oiseaux et mammifères marins de l'Océan Indien

The remarkable marine biodiversity of the Indian Ocean

The extraordinary marine biodiversity found in the Indian Ocean : a sanctuary where birds and marine mammals hold a significant place and play a vital role in sustaining global biodiversity.

Indian Ocean Theater

Experiencing theater: a shared moment of life in the Indian Ocean

Presenting theatre as a community experience that embodies a rich fusion of local customs, folklore, colonial histories and contemporary influences.

indian ocean ingraving (1)

Engraving in the Indian Ocean: A Significant Form of Artistic Communication

Deeply linked to the human need to communicate and transmit information across time and space, reflecting various aspects of human history, culture and psychology.

Indian ocean arts martiaux

Martial arts and combat sports in the Indian Ocean: unarmed combat

A rich history, mixing traditional practices and contemporary techniques.

Indian ocean sea turtle

Travel to the heart of the Indian Ocean in the footsteps of sea turtles

These ancient creatures, with a history spanning more than 100 million years, perform several crucial functions essential to the well-being of our oceans.

Indian ocean à voile

Crossing the Indian Ocean by sail

For millennia, this ocean has been a vital crossroads for trade, culture and navigation, connecting the civilizations of Asia, Africa and the Middle East.

Indian ocean sea turtle

Travel to the heart of the Indian Ocean in the footsteps of sea turtles

These ancient creatures, with a history spanning more than 100 million years, perform several crucial functions essential to the well-being of our oceans.

Indian ocean dance and music

Dances and music that promote unity between communities in the Indian Ocean region

A region known for its cultural exchanges, particularly in music and dance, highlighting the influences shared between India, Madagascar, Reunion, South Africa and Australia

Indian ocean fishing

Fishing techniques in the Indian Ocean

Fishing in the Indian Ocean has a rich historical significance that has left a lasting imprint on the cultures and economies of the coastal nations. This enduring legacy involves the transmission of fishing practices and customs through generations, fostering a deep connection with nature and a complex understanding of marine ecosystems.

Indian ocean samoussa

Gastronomic trail of the Indian Ocean: discovering the global competition of samosa or samosa

Loved around the world for its crispy outer layer and flavorful filling, providing a delicious dining experience loved around the world.

Indian ocean connexion with Egypt

Egypt's connection with the Indian Ocean: a multifaceted link

Egypt occupies a crucial geographical position, connecting the Mediterranean Sea to the Indian Ocean.

Indian ocean geographically

Exploring the biodiversity of coastal and marine life in Indian Ocean countries

An area that contains a myriad of ecosystems, each supporting a wide range of marine and coastal life.

Moraingy Madagascar

The Moraingy

This theme is very topical because it occupies a central place in the culture of the Indian Ocean islands. Beyond being a combat sport, it also represents a precious cultural heritage that is crucial to protect.

Tourismer Association is an Association dedicated to the promotion of tourist destinations in the Indian Ocean to encourage local development.

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Promote the development of Indian Ocean countries.

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An international network of correspondents

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Take part in this adventure with us to celebrate the diversity and splendor of the Indian Ocean.

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We encourage responsible travel in the Indian Ocean

Responsible travel in the Indian Ocean allows you to discover this region, as well as its people and culture, in an authentic way. You will have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the way of life of the inhabitants and deepen your knowledge of the neighboring countries.