Indian Ocean Arts and Cultures Showcase : INDONESIA

Promoting cultural excellence in the Indian Ocean


TOURISMER enhances the visibility of the cultural landscape of the Indian Ocean, aiming to position the region as one that harmoniously blends respect for traditional practices with a commitment to cultural innovation.


Here is INDONESIA....
Indonesia is a country rich in cultural and artistic diversity, with more than 17,000 islands and over 300 ethnic groups. Each region has its own traditions, languages, music, dances and visual arts.
Indonesian music is diverse, ranging from the gamelan of Java and Bali, which uses metal and wooden instruments, to modern pop music. Traditional dances, such as Tari Kecak and Tari Saman, are often accompanied by mythological stories and rituals.
In terms of visual arts, Indonesia is known for its textiles, such as batik and ikat, which are unique dyeing and weaving techniques. Sculpture and painting, often inspired by nature and spirituality, also play an important role in Indonesian culture.
Cultural festivals, such as the Bali Festival or the Toraja Culture Festival, celebrate this artistic richness and attract visitors from all over the world. Indonesia is therefore a true crossroads of arts and cultures, where each artistic expression tells a unique story.
This page brings together Articles on MADAGASCAR Indonesia


Le Pencak Silat, un art spécifiquement malais et indonésien de self-défense, est une ancienne et très efficace science pour le contrôle …

Photographe passionné, Franck Desplanques parcourt le monde depuis plus de trente ans à la rencontre decommunautés rares ayant gardé une forte …

The kebaya is a traditional blouse whose origins date back to the Majapahit Empire in Indonesia. It is worn by women …

Un peu d’histoire : Au début du XIXe siècle, les révoltes et conflits qui secouent les Indes orientales néerlandaises, dont l’éprouvante guerre …

23- 25 Mai à HAUTEVILLE La Papouasie est une province indonésienne située en Nouvelle-Guinée occidentale. Elle s’étend sur 81 049 km² …

Le pinisi, un art de construction navale de Sulawesi du Sud, a été inscrit au patrimoine culturel immatériel de l’humanité en …

Liste des films et séries originaux de Netflix Indonesia qui seront diffusés en 2025 Netflix a officiellement annoncé les sept derniers …

Nouvelle figure du cinéma indonésien, Kamila Andini présente son troisième long-métrage Une femme indonésienne. La réalisatrice traite ici de ses thèmes de prédilections …

Le batik est une technique de teinture sur tissu qui est utilisée dans plusieurs pays, principalement en Asie du Sud-Est, mais …

Handcrafted in Indonesia, these blown glasses use recycled beer bottle glass, adding that green tint to the objects. …

Si vous êtes en France ou que vous y séjournez prochainement, ne manquez pas l’exposition TRANSIT. Elle se tiendra à la …

Jamu in Indonesia: An ancient herbal wellness tradition recognized as intangible cultural heritage Jamu …

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Responsible travel in the Indian Ocean allows you to discover this region, as well as its people and culture, in an authentic way. You will have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the way of life of the inhabitants and deepen your knowledge of the neighboring countries.