Indian Ocean Arts and Cultures Showcase : Australia

Promoting cultural excellence in the Indian Ocean


TOURISMER enhances the visibility of the cultural landscape of the Indian Ocean, aiming to position the region as one that harmoniously blends respect for traditional practices with a commitment to cultural innovation.

Here is Australia ...
Australia has a rich artistic and cultural diversity, influenced by its Indigenous roots and colonial history. Aboriginal culture, one of the oldest in the world, is expressed through art, music, dance and oral history. Bark paintings, dot paintings and wood carvings are iconic examples of this heritage.
At the same time, Australia has also developed a vibrant contemporary arts scene, with artists exploring themes ranging from national identity to the environment. Music, theatre and film festivals, such as the Sydney Festival and the Melbourne International Comedy Festival, are testament to this cultural vibrancy.
Australian gastronomy, influenced by indigenous traditions and waves of immigration, is also an important aspect of its culture, showcasing local ingredients and varied culinary techniques.
In short, Australia is a true cultural crossroads where ancient traditions and contemporary innovations blend, offering a rich and varied experience to those who are interested.
This page brings together Articles on MADAGASCAR Australia 

Jusqu’au 31 Mars 2025, Ambassade dAustralie à Paris Dhambit Munungurr est une artiste Yolngu du centre d’art Buku-Larrnggay Mulka à Yirrkala, …

Les eucalyptus, appartenant au genre Eucalyptus de la famille des Myrtaceae, sont originaires d’Australie et dominent 95 % de ses forêts. …

La galerie Arts d’Australie • Stéphane Jacob, Gilles Hogrel, Proviseur de la Cité Scolaire Albert Châtelet, Aurore Delannoy, Principale-adjointe du Collège …

Nicolas ANDRIN spécialiste de l’art aborigène d’exception a constitué une exceptionnelle collection d’œuvres d’art, au fil de nombreux voyages dans les …

Un film d’animation Australien réussi!! “Mémoires d’un escargot” d’Adam Elliot : un conte en pâte à modeler pétri d’humanité L’orpheline sortira-t-elle un …

La plus grande compagnie de danse contemporaine d’Australie présente deux pièces aux contours très différents, par les chorégraphes Rafael Bonachela et …

Emerveillé par l’art aborigène lors d’un séjour en Australie, Stéphane Jacob-Langevin fonde en 1996 à Paris, l’une des premières galeries d’art …

Originaire de la région, William Rickett a été un homme particulier, un drôle de bonhomme hors-norme. Artiste et sculpteur de son …

From January 10 to February 28, 2025 “Jean-Louis Léguillette Collection” Faculty of Law and Economic Sciences A contemporary art emerges…

Le temps du rêve , aussi appelé le rêve , est le thème central de la culture du peuple autochtone des …

We encourage responsible travel in the Indian Ocean

Responsible travel in the Indian Ocean allows you to discover this region, as well as its people and culture, in an authentic way. You will have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the way of life of the inhabitants and deepen your knowledge of the neighboring countries.