Indian Ocean Arts and Cultures Showcase

Promoting cultural excellence in the Indian Ocean

TOURISMER enhances the visibility of the cultural landscape of the Indian Ocean, aiming to position the region as one that harmoniously blends respect for traditional practices with a commitment to cultural innovation.

Find our selection of publications and events in France concerning the Regions / Countries of the Indian Ocean:

The Indian Ocean cultural scene in France is rich and varied, reflecting the diversity of the islands and cultures that make it up, such as Reunion, Mayotte, the Comoros and the Seychelles, but also India and further afield Australia. In France, we can observe a beautiful fusion of traditions, languages ​​and art.

In Reunion, maloya and sega music are very popular and often celebrated at festivals. Visual arts, dance and Reunionese gastronomy are also key elements of this cultural scene. Events like the Sakifo Music Festival showcase local and international artists. Mayotte, with its African and Malagasy influences, also contributes to this cultural diversity, particularly through its traditional music and dances. The Comoros, for its part, brings linguistic and artistic richness, with poets and musicians who share their heritage.

India’s culture is one of the oldest and richest in the world, marked by an incredible diversity in terms of languages, religions, traditions, cuisines and arts. India is famous for its visual arts, including painting, sculpture and crafts. Traditional art forms such as Madhubani, Warli and Pattachitra are appreciated. Indian crafts, such as textiles, pottery and jewellery, are also renowned. Indian music is rich and varied, with classical genres such as Hindustani and Carnatic music, as well as folk and contemporary styles. Indian dance, whether classical (such as Bharatanatyam, Kathak and Odissi) or folk, is an important form of artistic expression.

Indonesia’s culture is incredibly rich and diverse, reflecting the country’s archipelago of over 17,000 islands. With over 300 ethnic groups and over 700 languages ​​spoken, Indonesia is a true cultural melting pot.

Australia’s culture is a unique blend of Indigenous and colonial influences, as well as elements from the many waves of immigration that have shaped the country. Aboriginal art, which includes painting, sculpture and music, is world-renowned. The motifs and stories told through this art are often linked to nature and spirituality.

In mainland France, there are associations and events that promote Indian Ocean culture, allowing communities to come together and share their traditions. Exhibitions, concerts and film screenings are often organized to introduce this unique culture to the general public.

Our Showcase of Arts and Cultures of the Indian Ocean is Open to All!

LE 23 MARS 2025 pour sa 7e édition ! ​Sous la houlette de la directrice Asie, POM EHRENTRANT, ce premier Festival …

À l’occasion de la journée mondiale du braille de nombreuses activités auront lieu au Tampon. Cet événement, organisé par le comité …

Un film d’animation Australien réussi!! “Mémoires d’un escargot” d’Adam Elliot : un conte en pâte à modeler pétri d’humanité L’orpheline sortira-t-elle un …

Lux Gambart, artiste-peintre éclectique née à Maurice en 1974 et ayant grandi en France, est diplômée en histoire de l’art et …

Polyphème sera en concert au Consulat à Paris Fruit de la rencontre exceptionnelle entre le percussionniste franco-libanais Wassim Halal et sept …

Le prochain festival australien des bateaux en bois se tiendra du 7 au 10 février 2025. Le premier festival australien des …

Derniers jours! Plongez dans l’univers artistique de La Réunion avec l’exposition La Réunion Intemporelle, une célébration unique du talent et de …

Du 2 au 5 janvier 2025, la chorale Soweto Gospel Choir a dévoilé son tout nouveau concert, « HOPE – It’s …

La plus grande compagnie de danse contemporaine d’Australie présente deux pièces aux contours très différents, par les chorégraphes Rafael Bonachela et …

Emerveillé par l’art aborigène lors d’un séjour en Australie, Stéphane Jacob-Langevin fonde en 1996 à Paris, l’une des premières galeries d’art …

Paris Island a le plaisir de vous annoncer la 3ème édition du plus grand festival océan Indien de France : Fé …

Dans les collections ethnographiques des musées, les récipients à eau en algue (kelp) de lutruwita (Tasmanie) comptent parmi les objets les …

Les Trace Awards & Summit 2025, l’événement musical le plus prestigieux du continent africain, sont sur le point de faire vibrer …

Jusqu’en Février 2026, le Rockbund Art Museum à Shanghai présente « AUUUUDITORIUM Project ». Ce projet, en constante évolution, fait intervenir plusieurs acteurs et …

La sculpture Zafimaniry est un chef d’œuvre hors paire; proclamé en 2003 par l'UNESCO comme patrimoine culturel de l'humanité.

We encourage responsible travel in the Indian Ocean

Responsible travel in the Indian Ocean allows you to discover this region, as well as its people and culture, in an authentic way. You will have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the way of life of the inhabitants and deepen your knowledge of the neighboring countries.